Fluid and connected manufacturing process

DMG MORI is a high-end machine manufacturing company which had a lot problems regarding processes and communication in a very complex environment.


Most of the processes were slow, manual and repetitive. Sometimes part of the information was lost and confused. They have a wide variety of users within the team: from sales agents; technicians; business managers; accountants; to logistics staff. Each of them with its own needs and mindsets.

Furthermore, every user works in a specific environment: on client headquarters, on the manufacturing workshop, or while editing the information wherever they are.


  • Research
  • Interviews
  • User Personas and journeys
  • Wireframing
  • Interactive prototyping
  • Design system

My role

My role on the project was as UX/UI Product Designer. 

The main contribution to the project was to see the whole perspective of the project in a unified process and user flow as well as understanding pains and stakeholder needs.

Some of the tasks and the process I performed:

  • Analysis of company processes, products and environment.
  • User and stakeholder interviews for understanding their pains and needs.
  • Definition of user personas.
  • Definitions of user journeys.
  • Benchmarking of market solutions.
  • Wireframing, test and iteration of the product with users.
  • UX design
  • UI design
  • Interactive prototyping.
  • Design system creation.
  • Sharing assets with developers.

Project Outcome

An integrated solution

The solution is an integrated SaaS platform where you can check the status of any machine manufacturing project right away and wherever you are. Every user and profile could entry its own information, it is shared and sync with the whole team trough automatic notifications triggers for the next step in the process.


The design of the final product offers an easy way to see the problems and funnels of the projects, as well as allowing to plan properly the manufacturing and delivery of the machines. 

An integrated platform for fluid and connected manufacturing process.